[gpfsug-discuss] transparent cloud tiering

leslie elliott leslie.james.elliott at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 12:32:56 BST 2017


I am trying to change the account for the cloud tier
but am having some problems

any hints would be appreciated

I am not interested in the data locally or migrated but do not seem to be
able to recall this so would just like to repurpose it with the new account

I can see in the logs
2017-10-03_15:38:49.226+1000: [W] Snapshot quiesce of SG cloud01 snap -1/0
doing 'mmcrsnapshot :MCST.scan.6' timed out on node <c0n3>. Retrying if

which is no doubt the reason for the following

mmcloudgateway account delete --cloud-nodeclass  TCTNodeClass --cloud-name
mmcloudgateway: Sending the command to the first successful node starting
with gpfs-dev02
mmcloudgateway: This may take a while...
mmcloudgateway: Error detected on node gpfs-dev02
                The return code is 94.  The error is:

MCSTG00084E: Command Failed with following reason: Unable to create
snapshot for file system /gpfs/itscloud01, [Ljava.lang.String;@3353303e
failed with: com.ibm.gpfsconnector.messages.GpfsConnectorException: Command
[/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmcrsnapshot, cloud01, MCST.scan.4] failed with the
following return code: 78..

mmcloudgateway: Sending the command to the next node gpfs-dev04
mmcloudgateway: Error detected on node gpfs-dev04
                The return code is 94.  The error is:

MCSTG00084E: Command Failed with following reason: Unable to create
snapshot for file system /gpfs/cloud01, [Ljava.lang.String;@90a887ad failed
with: com.ibm.gpfsconnector.messages.GpfsConnectorException: Command
[/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmcrsnapshot, cloud01, MCST.scan.6] failed with the
following return code: 78..

mmcloudgateway: Command failed. Examine previous error messages to
determine cause.
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