[gpfsug-discuss] Dry-Run functionality

Sobey, Richard A r.sobey at imperial.ac.uk
Mon Jun 20 14:49:36 BST 2016

IMO I’d want to see an explanation of what will happen in plain English. “This will create a policy that moves any file bigger than 10MB and older than 30 days to storage pool XYZ”.

You might be able to tell I’ve never used GPFS policies except for initial placement so the above example might not be possible anyway ☺

I’m very used to the Powershell switch “-whatif” which basically said “I am going to do the following:”



From: gpfsug-discuss-bounces at spectrumscale.org [mailto:gpfsug-discuss-bounces at spectrumscale.org] On Behalf Of Jez Tucker
Sent: 09 June 2016 16:21
To: gpfsug main discussion list <gpfsug-discuss at gpfsug.org>
Subject: [gpfsug-discuss] Dry-Run functionality

Hello all,

  I wonder if you could have your take on your ideal dry-run functionality.

Post London User Group, we had much feedback regarding the need for dry-run functionality.
Therefore we have implemented dry-run functionality for our GPFS/Scale Python API across all calls.

API calls for Policies have the ability to run in 'test' or 'run' mode.  (ref: man mmapplypolicy)

How would you expect to use dry-run functionality on a policy?
We have our own opinion, but we'd like to hear yours.

1) Validate the policy and print the policy content to stdout/other.  No mmapplypolicy is performed.
2) Validate the policy and enforce mmapplypolicy with -I test
3) Return what would be called.  E.G. mmapplypolicy -P mypol.pol --flag1 --flag2 --etc
4) Other

Best regards,

Jez Tucker
Head of Research & Development
Pixit Media & ArcaStream

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