[gpfsug-discuss] GPFS/Spectrum Scale security vulernability - All versions

Jonathan Buzzard jonathan at buzzard.me.uk
Wed Jun 1 16:21:28 BST 2016

On Wed, 2016-06-01 at 15:03 +0000, Daniel Kidger wrote:
> By the way the files affected are all binaries so not as obvious a
> security risk as allowing a backdoor to an interactive ksh shell as
> root.

Well yeah, Linux has not allowed setuid on scripts of any kind for
around 20 years now.

Hence even if you are running on AIX they will be binaries because
otherwise you would have to maintain a script for AIX and a binary for


Jonathan A. Buzzard                 Email: jonathan (at) buzzard.me.uk
Fife, United Kingdom.

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