[gpfsug-discuss] CES mmsmb options

Michael L Taylor taylorm at us.ibm.com
Tue Aug 23 00:30:10 BST 2016

Looks like there is a per export and a global listing.

These are values that can be set per export :
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmsmb export change --key-info supported
Supported smb options with allowed values:
admin users                    = any // any valid user
browseable                     = yes, no
comment                        = any // A free text description of the
csc policy                     = manual, disable, documents, programs
fileid:algorithm               = fsname, hostname, fsname_nodirs,
gpfs:leases                    = yes, no
gpfs:recalls                   = yes, no
gpfs:sharemodes                = yes, no
gpfs:syncio                    = yes, no
hide unreadable                = yes, no
oplocks                        = yes, no
posix locking                  = yes, no
read only                      = yes, no
smb encrypt                    = auto, default, mandatory, disabled
syncops:onclose                = yes, no

These are the values that are set globally:
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmsmb config change --key-info supported
Supported smb options with allowed values:
gpfs:dfreequota                = yes, no
restrict anonymous             = 0, 2
server string                  = any

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