[gpfsug-discuss] Server lost NSD mappings

Jonathan Buzzard jonathan at buzzard.me.uk
Wed Oct 29 21:01:06 GMT 2014

On 29/10/14 20:47, Jared David Baker wrote:
> Jonathan, which script are you talking about?

The one here


Use for detecting and clearing that secondary GPT table. Never used it 
of course, my disaster was caused by an idiot admin installing a new OS 
not mapping the disks out and then hit yes yes yes when asked if he 
wanted to blank the disks, the RHEL installer duly obliged. Then five 
days later I rebooted the last NSD server for an upgrade and BOOM 50TB 
and 80 million files down the swanny.


Jonathan A. Buzzard                 Email: jonathan (at) buzzard.me.uk
Fife, United Kingdom.

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